Winnipeg Fringe: Evacuated! (5 Stars)

Evacuated! Winnipeg Fringe Festival 5 Stars This show surpassed my expectations.  Based upon the sparse program blurb and the basic poster design, I expected another self-indulgent personal narrative story, which is becoming increasingly common at the Winnipeg Fringe.   I couldn’t have been more wrong.  And I am delighted about that.  ‘Evacuated!’ is a fascinating […]

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8 Shows to See at the Winnipeg Fringe

With almost 200 choices, it can be really hard to narrow down one’s selections.  So here are eight amazing/interesting/quirky shows (in alphabetical order) to add to your schedule: The Ballad of Frank Allen From the bizarre minds of Fringe faves Shane Adamczak (Zack Adams, 3x Just For Laughs Award Nominee) and Al Lafrance (The Quitter) […]

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Regina Fringe: Chris & Travis (4 Stars)

Chris & Travis Regina Fringe Festival 4 Stars   ‘An improvised show performed entirely in gibberish’ – I admit, at first I was leery.  However, the concept worked, and what followed was an unexpected treat.   Chris Ross and Travis Bernhardt work well together and make good use of the stage at the Unitarian Church.  […]

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Regina Fringe: The Cockwhisperer (3 Stars)

The Cockwhisperer Regina Fringe Festival 3 Stars Part personal monologue and part stand-up comedy, Colette Kendall’s one-woman show didn’t seem to know exactly what it should be.  It started with a stand-up comedy routine, which often didn’t seem to quite land with the audience.  Twice, Kendall blamed the audience for not ‘getting’ the jokes, which […]

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