8 Shows to See at the Winnipeg Fringe

With almost 200 choices, it can be really hard to narrow down one’s selections.  So here are eight amazing/interesting/quirky shows (in alphabetical order) to add to your schedule:

The Ballad of Frank Allen

From the bizarre minds of Fringe faves Shane Adamczak (Zack Adams, 3x Just For Laughs Award Nominee) and Al Lafrance (The Quitter) comes a new sci-fi buddy-comedy about a man who lives in another man’s beard.

Forget me Not – The Alzheimer’s Whodunnit

Jim’s wife, a patient on a dementia ward, has died from what looks like natural causes. Jim is a retired police detective and he smells a rat. He’s determined to solve one last murder. The problem is he also has dementia. It’s a case worthy of the greatest detective mind, but his will have to do.

Fruit Flies Like a Banana – World Tour

Fruit Flies Like a Banana returns with a madcap trip around the globe. YOU choose the itinerary! This high-octane variety hour combines music, theatre and dance, with each piece inspired by a different locale. It’s sure to keep your seats in a fully upright and locked position!

The Prehistory of Moses P

RISK IT ALL. Fringe fave Erik de Waal animates a fusillade of characters and situations as the past is revealed and the future thrown into uncertainty. Two men. Two choices. A high-stakes journey into the heart of Apartheid South Africa and the soul of ordinary people living in extraordinary times.

Shark Weak

What scares you silly? Comic Shelby Bond explores our phobias and offers hope that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. While finding that phobias are funny things, Shelby takes you on his journey to overcome his fear of sharks – from being hypnotized to actually swimming with Great Whites.


In this multi-award-winning true odyssey, Dockery treks from a dead-end job in NYC down a dead-end road in Timbuktu, on an ever-more-desperate search for meaning. Negotiating the giddiness, terror and absurdities in travel and love, he’s searching for an epiphany. Any Epiphany.

We’ll Meet Again: Vera Lynn, the Forces’ Sweetheart

‘We’ll Meet Again’, ‘White Cliffs of Dover’, ‘A Nightengale Sang’: Vera Lynn’s nostalgic songs defined a generation. Melanie Gall takes you back to a time when the world was at war, and when Lynn’s music galvanized and inspired troops overseas.

Wooster Sauce

Jeeves returns! PG Wodehouse’s brilliant valet saves his upperclass twit boss from certain catastrophe. What happens when bachelor Bertie Wooster develops parenting urges? Only the inimitable Jeeves can maintain the social order.

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