jem rolls ATTACKS THE SILENCE (Big Word Performance Poetry)
Saskatoon Fringe Festival
5 Stars
Jem Rolls is a poet. A Fringe institution and a poet.
Just consider that for a moment: a poet as institution. Because living poetry is extremely rare nowadays. How often does one walk around with a book of modern poetry in one’s pocket? How often does one quote lines from a modern poem (or indeed, from any poem) in one’s daily life? And how often does one pay money to see a poet perform his original work, especially indoors during one of the brightest and hottest days of the short Saskatoon summer?
The answer is: Every year, if you’re a regular Fringer.
Attending a Jem Rolls show is practically a Fringe tradition, and a worthy one. Rolls is an immensely talented writer, and equally talented at delivering his verses. Entirely unselfconscious on stage, he attacks phrases and masticates words, spitting vowels and chomping consonants. He (literally) sweats life into his poems, and it’s an intimidating joy to watch.
Consider the silence…attacked.