Review: Keith Brown Exchange (3.5 Stars)

Keith Brown Exchange (Keith Brown) Edmonton Fringe Festival 3.5 Stars Who doesn’t love a good magic show?  Throw in a shot glass, a bottle of vinegar and a dozen (apparently) delicious sewing needles, and I’m in. Keith Brown’s Exchange is a lovely magic show.  The man is approachable, affable, and charming.  His magic contains truly […]

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Review: Camel Camel (3.5 Stars)

Camel Camel (Glittergizzard) Edmonton Fringe Festival 3.5 Stars Existential clowning.  That’s what this is, really.  Exploring life and death and transformation, through clown. This is very much what Vaudeville used to be.  It could be seen as a commentary on society – on theatre, on change.  On death, on how relationships alter and yet remain […]

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Review: The Death Of Brian (4 Stars)

The Death of Brian (Theatresimple) Edmonton Fringe Festival 4 Stars   Brian is dead.  Sort of.  He’s definitely naked, and…what is that he’s eating?! The Death of Brian is a one-man zombie show, told from the point of view of an infected, reanimated zombie corpse.  I happen to love zombies, so this was an easy […]

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Review: Best Picture (4 Stars)

Best Picture (RibbitRePublic) Edmonton Fringe Festival 4 Stars Now I understand Sharknado.  After all, sharks are cool, and tornadoes can be pretty amazing.  So why not combine them both and let the madness ensue? And that is pretty much what happened with Best Picture.  The ‘power combination’ of Kurt Fitzpatrick, Tara Travis and Jon Paterson […]

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Review: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander: Sideshows & Psychics (5 stars)

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander: Sideshows & Psychics (You Rung? Productions) Edmonton Fringe Festival 5 Stars I loved this show. From the period-appropriate costumes, the perfect characterization, the polished physicality to the compelling plot, fascinating historic context and truly talented sleight-of-hand (and other) tricks, this was a hugely enjoyable treat. It is clear that much research and […]

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Review: The Quitter (3 Stars)

The Quitter (Al LaFrance) Edmonton Fringe Festival 3 Stars Fringe festivals around the world are rife with personal monologue stories.  Everyone has a story to tell.  Sometimes they’re riveting, sometimes they’re disturbing, and sometimes, as in the case of Al LaFrance’s The Quitter, they’re fine. This is Al’s story – about how from a young […]

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Review: Fugly (2 Stars)

Fugly (The Janes) Edmonton Fringe Festival 2 Stars According to the company’s website, Fugly: [D]eals with the struggle to be authentic in a world that values quite the opposite.  This show is stylish, satirical, and yet so personal. It’s an Alice-In-Wonderland metaphor.  They do a good job of making that clear.  And the props and […]

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