Review: Two for Tea (3 Stars)

2 for Tea (Life & Depth)

Saskatoon Fringe Festival

3 Stars


First of all, if these two actors are from Sussex (as the Fringe booklet claims), I’ll eat my teacup.  It’s a good enough publicity stunt, but…I’ve been to Sussex, and I bet you a star that neither of these actors hail from that city (or indeed, that side of the pond).

2 for Tea is a sweet enough show.  There are a few (often repeated) physical gags.  The characters are one-note, but not unpleasant.  The plot arc…

There isn’t much of a plot arc.  It’s pretty much physical gags with a whole lot of audience participation.  And I will say, the audience bit is set up really well, and was immensely entertaining.  But I’m not here to review audience members.  And aside from a particularly clever bit with an imaginary typewriter, the show was merely adequate.

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