The Vaudevillian (James Jordan)
Saskatoon Fringe Festival
3.5 Stars
James Jordan is an excellent magician. He is comfortable on stage, and makes his varied talents in the magical arts look easy. Almost too easy – his understated approach let the audience be complacent, only clapping when prompted by the performer. And James Jordan deserves applause. His slight-of-hand tricks are impressive, and as evidenced from his side skit at the Fringe spoof night, he can make pretty much anything out of a handful of balloons.
The booming mic levels were distracting, and the show was only 40 minutes (billed as 55). However, those 40 minutes were engaging, and once again, he is a damn fine magician.
This was a solid, enjoyable magic show, but with a different build-up (or perhaps just a more lively audience), it could have been great.